High DPS | Infantry Defense | Rage Reduction
Zenobia Overview
Zenobia was the leader of the Palmyran Empire, which was once a prosperous trade center and a formidable power in the Middle East. She is known in Rise of Kingdoms for her versatility as a garrison leader in both KvK and Osiris League game modes. That versatility and ability to utilize all troop types in the garrison are what’s making her the most popular garrison commander in the game currently.

(Mixed Troops)

(Full Infantry)

Best Infantry Garrison Equipment Sets in Rise of Kingdoms
All accessories can be changed around freely depending on the current fighting situation. Whether you’re being rallied with troop swarms, rally versus garrison with no troop swarm, or just swarmed by troops. Switch the accessories according to your specific situation.
Best Infantry Defense Set
- Infantry Attack Bonus %: +33.5%
- Infantry Defense Bonus %: +75.0%
- Set Bonus (2 Pieces) – Troop Defense %: +3.0%
Helm of the Conqueror
Hope Cloak
Vambraces of the Eternal Empire
Hammer of the Sun and Moon
Eternal Night
Ring of Doom
Horn of Fury
Sturdy Boots of the Eternal Empire
Best Zenobia Commander Pairs
Best March Combos for KvK and Osiris League
Zenobia Skills
Zenobia is particularly effective when paired with other commanders who either boost one troop type or multiple troop types. Her skills allow for an incredible healing factor, a troop health bonus, and a damage reduction.

Queen of Palmyra
Heals the nearby allied troop with the lowest percentage of units remaining (Healing Factor 100, can heal troops led by this commander) and then heals their own troops on the next turn (Healing Factor 500). Troops healed by this skill gain 20% increased health for 2 seconds.
Upgrade Preview:
- Healing Factor: 100/ 150/ 200/ 250/ 300
- Extra Healing Factor: 500/ 650/ 800/ 950/ 1100
- Health Bonus: 20%/ 25%/ 30%/ 35%/ 40%

Unmatched Beauty
While this commander is leading the garrison of your own city or a stronghold, troops led by this commander take 3% reduced damage from normal attacks, and deal 3% increased normal attack damage.
Upgrade Preview:
- Normal Attack Damage Reduction: 3%/6% /9% / 12%/ 15%
- Normal Attack Damage Bonus: 3%/6% /9%/12% /15%

Conqueror's Ambition
Infantry units led by this commander gain 10% increased health and 10% increased attack. All troops led by this commander deal 2% more damage to rallied troops.
Upgrade Preview:
- Infantry Health Bonus: 10% / 12% 14%/ 16% /20%
- Infantry Attack Bonus: 10% /12% /14% /16% / 20%
- Damage to Rallied Armies Increased: 2%/4%/6% /8%/ 10%

Pluralistic Reign
While this commander is leading the garrison of your own city or a stronghold, the attacks of troops led by this commander have a 10% chance to deal extra damage per second to the target troop (Damage Factor 300) for 3 seconds. This skill’s damage per second effect can trigger once every 5 seconds.
Upgrade Preview:
- Additional Damage Factor: 300/350/ 400/ 500/600

Ascending Augusta
Heals the nearby allied troop (two allied troops while leading the garrison of your own city or a stronghold) with the lowest percentage of units remaining (Healing Factor 300, can heal troops led by this commander), and then heals their own troops on the next turn (Healing Factor 1100). Troops healed by this skill gain 50% increased health for 2 seconds.